Tips for touch players

touch rugby image

It’s that time again, which must mean that summer is on its way! With the touch season starting again it’s time to get those muscles in shape to prevent injury and help you stay on the field for longer. Here are a few simple tips for touch rugby to help you avoid injury; but if you do have any injuries during your game or want advice on any niggles that you may already have, then give us a call.

Just a Few Tips that may help prevent those injuries from occurring.

Make sure you allow enough time before your game to warm-up effectively. Even though it is a social tournament, it is still important to warm-up. Some suggestions are running to warm up as well as sideways running, stride outs, backwards and forwards running, passing the ball etc followed by some dynamic stretching particularly around the hips.


Because of the nature of touch, the calf complex gets put under quite a bit of stress, so making sure you have good strength and flexibility would be helpful in preventing shin pain and calf injuries.

Warming down post game is important and this isn’t just taking the first beer that is handed to you. Again doing some stretches post game with help with recovery of those muscles helping to prevent muscle soreness.

If you do happen to hurt yourself and don’t get around to seeing us down there, remember that RICE is very helpful for acute injuries. RICE is very helpful in the first 48hours of your injury.

  • Rest:  Staying off the injury initially is very good. Also avoiding Alcohol helps to reduce the bleeding into the injured area
  • Ice:  Ice for 10-20mins until the area of injury feels cold
  • Compression:  Tubigrip or a compression bandage is often helpful to apply compression
  • Elevation:  It is often helpful to elevate the injured limb

If your injury hasn’t settled after a couple of days, call us on Ph 378 6890 for an appointment.


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